Other Creepies in the Night
How could you resist this face. He was the most charming Little Magician I have ever seen. Collin picked out the fabrics himself. A nice textured black satin for the cape and a forest green satin for the lining, bow tie, cummerbund and hat trim. We devised a way for making a false bottom in his hat so he could pull a dinosaur out of it. He even stood still long enough so I could use mascara on his upper lip.
If you have never seen a baby dragon with an additude, now you have. This is my FAVORITE costume to date. I am something of a collector of dragon stuff so when Wes decided to be a Dragon for Halloween I jumped at the chance. The main fabric is a pea green upholstery velvet, the gold was a toned down gold with quilted chest marks and glued on jewels. The gold/purple fabric on the wings is a wonderful piece of silk believe it or not. I used cable ties in the top of the wings to keep them up. The effect when he walked was so cute.
Anyone know who we are? Remember "A Year Without a Santa Claus" Here is Heat Miser and Snow Miser. This was such a fun costume. Snow Miser nose had what we called snotcicles. I made drips with the hot glue gun and then glued them to the latex nose. Heat Miser wig has lights run by a battery pack. If you take a close look at our hands you will see only three fingers and a thumb. And no I wasn't pregnant I had a padded belly.